Carolina Carreira
Usable Security | Security and Privacy | Software Engeneering

I am a Ph.D. Student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (by Prof. Nicolas Christin) and Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon (by Prof. João F. Ferreira and Prof. Alexandra Mendes).
My current research interests are usable security, software engineering. My focus is asymmetric communication in contexts of security and privacy. I’m interested in understanding how experts, end-users, and companies communicate about privacy and how we can improve this communication.
I also love volunteering, and I’m currently part of the Cylab Student Seminar Committee. I’m also collaborating with the Portuguese Red Cross, teaching young Afghan refugees programming. I played the violin and was part of my university musical group – TMIST. My hobbies include hiking and reading unpublished books.
Feel free to contact me using my socials to discuss any of these topics.
Nov 20, 2023 | Was very happy to attend the 2023 CyLab Partners Conference |
Oct 2, 2023 | I joined the Student Seminar Planning committee at Cylab in CMU! |
Oct 1, 2023 | Presented a poster and attended the CMU Portugal 2023 Summit |
Aug 11, 2023 | Just arrived at CMU for 12 months! 🇺🇸 |
Jun 23, 2023 | I am very honored to have won an Excellence in Teaching Award from Instituto Superior Técnico in its 112th aniversary for my students’ reviews and opinions of the past courses I TA’ed at. |
Selected publications
appFM’21Exploring Usable Security to Improve the Impact of Formal Verification: A Research AgendaFirst Workshop on Applicable Formal Methods (co-located with Formal Methods 2021). 2021
PhD-iFM’22Studying Users’ Willingness to Use a Formally Verified Password ManagerPhD Symposium at the 17th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM) 2022